
UPDATE: Charge of attempted murder added to three would-be car thieves

The three men arrested for attempted theft on Tuesday, September 29, have also been charged with attempted murder, after they allegedly tried to run down a police officer with a car.

WO Ramothaki Maqabe, Benoni SAPS cluster spokesperson, said officers arrived on the scene after police received a call about motor vehicle theft in the CBD.

“Upon arrival at the scene, the police saw the suspects getting into a charcoal-grey Mini Cooper and speeding off,” said Maqabe.

Const Zunickha Essakjee, Benoni SAPS spokesperson, said the suspects drove straight at Const Vernon Alladipan, as he exited the police vehicle.

“He (Alladipan) fired three shots at the car’s tyres, but they didn’t stop,” said Essakjee.

“The officers chased the suspects, caught up and blocked them, after which the vehicle was searched and the men arrested.”

A bag with potential break-in implements was found in the car.

The would-be thieves were charged with attempted motor vehicle theft and attempted murder, at the Benoni Police Station.

Col Martin van Nieuwenhuizen, acting Benoni Police Station commander, said they were due to appear in the Benoni Magistrates Court on Wednesday, September 30.

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