Benoni faces more leaks

Benoni residents have experienced weeks of a stench that can not be ignored and have been complaining about the problem for weeks with no response.

Calling the call centre to report the sewage leak has resulted in residents receiving different reference numbers each time they call.

Sewage flowing into Homestead Dam has raised a great concern among the residents.

Heather Pearson, from the Mercury Street Veterinary Hospital, close to Mercury Street, has also complained about the area.

Clr Mary Goby said this issue will effect the environment negatively and will become a health hazard to the residents if it is not taken care of.

She has received numerous complaints and has tried to get the municipality to fix the problem.

“I’m unable to have the water tested, because there are no funds available for me to do that,” said Goby

Stephen Rehbock, a resident of Benoni, said: “Sewage spills happen on a regular basis and the municipality doesn’t do anything about it.”

He said the sewage flowing into Homestead Dam is a environmental disaster and that there is also fresh water flowing into the dam, which is also a problem, because water is being wasted unnecessarily.

He said the water and monitoring team should conduct regular assessments on the rivers and try to trace from where the sewage is coming, but this has not been done.

Apart from Homestead Dam, there is also sewage leaking into Kleinfontein Lake, near the Benoni CBD,. The sewage smell is potent and this has been happening for about a month.

“The smell is really bad when you walk past the lake and the ducks are dying; something must be done,” said Zanele Mbatha, a Northmead resident, who lives close to the lake.

To show the municipality the seriousness of the issue, Goby has started a petition that residents will sign in a bid to have the matter resolved.

The municipality was approached for comment, but no response had been received by the time of going to press.

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