Wandering dogs attack woman’s pet in yard

A dog had to undergo surgery after being attacked by two or three stray dogs, in Western Extension, in the early hours of September 16.

Cecilia Morris, of Western Extension, said her cross-chihuahua, Scrat, was in the yard when when she saw two dogs attack him through the gate.

“When I got outside one of the dogs had his head and the other had his left back leg,” said Morris.

She ran to the scene and beat the two cross-pit bulls with a torch.

“I shoved my hand down one dog’s throat and that’s when he bit me, but at least he left my dog alone,” said the Kemston Avenue resident.

She ran down the road in her pyjamas and chased the dogs to their residence, four blocks away, where the gate to the property was open.

She said Scrat was severely bitten and is recovering at the North Rand Veterinary Hospital.

Morris believes the dogs are responsible for biting one of her cats to death about a month ago and severely injuring another, which required 16 stitches to her neck.

Another Western Extension resident, Martin Metzer, said two dogs attacked his two dogs in the suburb at the beginning of this year.

His dogs were on a leash, while the two aggressors were wandering the streets unsupervised.

Co-chairperson of the Benoni SPCA, Shelley Owens, said the latest matter was reported to them and they will investigate the issue.

Morris said she will open a criminal case against the owner of the house from where she suspects the dogs come.

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