Police celebrate Casual Day

The Benoni SAPS cluster celebrated Casual Day on Friday, September 4, at Ekurhuleni Lodge, in Cloverdene, with the aim of embracing all police members with special needs within the cluster.

The event was made possible by the Benoni SAPS cluster communication officials, social crime prevention officers and members from Employee Health Workers (EHW).

“Spring into Action” was the theme of the day.

EHW provincial coordinator, Lieut Col Linky Ramonwana, said the theme meant police officers should all leave their troubles behind and start a new chapter.

Ramonwana also explained how people with special needs should be taken care of.

“As individuals, we should stop thinking that people with disabilities are stupid,” she said.

“People with disabilities are still people, regardless of their disability.

“No one plans to be disabled; disability can happen to anyone at anytime.”

She urged people to heed these methods of dealing with disabled people:

“When talking to people who are visually impaired, you need to identify yourself and do not place obstacles in front of them,” said Ramonwana.

“With people who are hard of hearing, one should avoid talking too fast and look them in the eyes when talking to them.

“When it comes to people who are physically impaired, one should always ask if you can assist them because some people would just push their wheelchairs without asking if they need any help.

Siyakhana Cultural Group, from Daveyton, entertained the members of the Benoni SAPS cluster with an educational drama called Vuka Mfowetho (meaning wake up fellow brother).

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