Anti-violence event attracts large attendance

Manogari Nogz Moonsammy was taken aback by the large number of attendees at a lunch organised for victims of violence.

As the head of the Vulnerable Citizens Support Initiative (VCSI), Moonsammy organised the Women’s Day-related event, which was held at Lakeside Mall on Sunday, August 2.

The gathering was meant to show support for women who had suffered from abuse by their partners, with emphasis on the need to change society into one less violent.

The event saw the culmination of the Bag a Beauty project, run by VCSI for the past two months, with the goal of collecting handbags donated by the public for women at shelters.

Representatives from several shelters for previously abused women attended the event and received handbags from the VCSI.

The crowd was inspired by the words and experiences of the speakers, which included Annemarie Botes, Cezanne Visser and Mbuyiselo Botha.

Along with several prizes for best hats, masks and dancers, guests were encouraged to write negative words on balloons, which were released into the atmosphere as a symbolic gesture.

Shabier Jalal (Actonville CPF chairman) led the ceremonies and commended Moonsammy and her team for their hard work and organisation of the event.

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