Potholes plague schools and residents

Potholes in Woburn Avenue, in the CBD, have not been repaired for the past 11 years.

The pocketed road is at its worst in front of Lee Rand High School and Lee Rand Primary School.

Ina Steyn, credit manager at Lee Rand School and Benoni Educational College, said the roads have been in the same deteriorating state since 2006 and nothing was done to help.

According to Steyn, she had exhausted every avenue via the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM), before she approached the City Times last year.

The City Times published an article regarding the potholes in Woburn Avenue in October, last year, before which EMM was approached for comment.

EMM spokesperson Themba Gadebe had said the sidewalk repairs could be addressed only by means of resurfacing.

“The area is in the vicinity of a school and the area is utilised for parking, thus the repairs can be programmed only for December – once the school holidays have started,” he had said.

Steyn said despite promises by EMM, no work was done during the December holidays and the situation had not changed, as of July 24.

“Since 2006, nothing has changed; in fact, it may have become worse and the metro just doesn’t come out,” said Steyn.

The article mentioned that the schools were forced to paint the road markings on the road, as this, too, had not been maintained by EMM.

Themba said the road markings and signage would be addressed when the paint had been acquired and signage delivered.

As of July 24, EMM had not yet stepped up to repaint the road markings, redo the signage or repair the potholes in Woburn Avenue.

The situation in Woburn Avenue is not unique; in Patten Road, in Benoni Small Farms, potholes have plagued the community for the past three years.

A resident on the road, Ria Scheepers, has called EMM several times to report the holes, but nothing has been done as yet.

EMM was approached for comment on both matters, but none had been received at the time of going to press.

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