Woman wakes up in pool of water

Melissa Moyo was asleep on the floor of a house in Chief Albert Luthuli Park, when she was awakened by water surrounding her body.

“I asked my sister if she had thrown a cup of water on my head, because I was sleeping and I didn’t know it was from a water leak,” said Moyo.

The water came from a main water pipe which had burst in the early hours of July 23, on the shoulder of Putfontein Road.

It resulted in about five homes being damaged.

Moyo said her carpets, cupboards, cellphones, a DVD machine and blankets were all damaged by the water.

Speaking from her drenched house, which was under about 5cm of water at around 9am, she said she doesn’t have money to replace her belongings.

Bongani Shabangu, who lives about 30m from the burst pipe, said he was awakened by his Jack Russell, Snoopy, to find 30cm of water surrounding his bed.

Shabangu rushed to pack bags filled with coal in front of his gate, to reduce the amount of water entering his property.

He also broke a hole in the boundary wall to allow water to flow away.

Two laptops, his fridge and children’s school books sustained water damage.

Clr Stefanie Kruger, of Ward 24, said a 700mm main water line burst.

She added that water department officials were on the scene on the morning of July 23, to repair the damaged pipe.

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