Sewage problem in Airfield fixed, but not cleaned

The yard of Mollie Moolman, in Airfield, has not yet been completely cleaned of sewage.

“They cleaned only about 80 per cent of it, the corner is still filthy,” she said.

“The smell is unbearable; I now have to fix my floors and repaint the walls, because of this damp.”

A manhole located on the property, in Typhoon Street, started overflowing with sewage on June 23.

At 4pm, Moolman called to report that sewage had just started flowing from the manhole.

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) sent out a team to fix the blockage on June 26, but had to return to clean the next day, as sewage had been streaming through the yard for three days, leaving behind a heavy deposit.

“I call all the time, but don’t get anywhere, it feels like my hands are chopped off, I’m powerless,” said Moolman.

According to her, it is the sixth time this has happened in the past two years.

“This can’t keep on happening, six times is enough, when will they fix it properly?” she asked.

“They should come out faster, this is unsafe; there’s a school right here in the street, it’s very unhealthy,” she said.

The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality was approached for comment, but none had been received at the time of going to press.

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