Daughters speak fondly of Rynfield accident victim

Rebecca Smith-Rainsford (23) did not have the opportunity to say goodbye to her father the day he died in a Rynfield car accident.

She had to leave early for work.

“It is still very surreal, I am not sure it has all sunk in yet,” said Rebecca.

“I know it has happened, but it still feels like he’s going to walk through the door.”

John Smith-Rainsford (62) was fatally injured on the corner of Uys Street and Hull Road on July 8, at around 6.15pm.

The 62-year-old Rynfield resident was returning from work in his Fiat Uno when he was involved in a head-on crash with a Volvo SUV.

“Netcare 911 paramedics heard the massive crash and ran outside to investigate and noticed that two motor vehicles had collided head-on at the intersection,” said Netcare 911 spokesperson Santi Steinmann.

“Upon investigation of the occupants of the vehicles, paramedics found one of the drivers in a critical condition and trapped in his car.

“Sadly, the critically injured man’s condition deteriorated and he passed away at the scene, due to the extensive injuries sustained during the crash.”

John, the father of four daughters, will be missed for his warm heart and shenanigans.

Rebecca and another daughter, Rachel Elshove (30), said their dad was always jovial and a prankster.

They said he had an extensive general knowledge and could have discussions on a wide range of topics for hours.

He also had an ear for learning languages and could speak nine.

Rachel said her father loved his children.

“If he had it his way, we (his daughters) would all be living in flats on his property,” she added.

“It was his dream to have flats on the property to have all four girls living on it.”

Chief Supt Wilfred Kgasago, EMPD spokesperson, told the City Times on the evening of the accident that the driver of the Volvo was arrested after the accident and taken to the Metro Police head office for the north region, in Tembisa, for blood tests, to determine whether he was over the legal driving alcohol limit.

The man appeared in the Benoni Magistrates Court on July 10, on a charge of culpable homicide.

Charges were withdrawn and he was released, as police are awaiting the outcome of the blood tests.

He may be summonsed to appear in court at a later stage.

John is survived by his wife of 41 years, Vernice Smith-Rainsford, and daughters Cherie Krantz (38), Tanya Smith-Rainsford (33), Rachel and Rebecca, and grandchildren Jessie Krantz (4) and Jordyn Taylor (2).

The funeral service will be held at Summer Place, in Boksburg, on Friday, July 17, at 1pm.

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