Uproar over Bunny Park — councillor denies Bunny Park allegations

Clr Gerrie Kriek (Ward 27) has denied the allegations of underfed and sick animals at the Benoni Bunny Park.

“It’s in good condition, we have a monthly budget for the Bunny Park, which takes care of it,” said Kriek.

“It’s a very neat area, there is no litter lying around, the employees clean up as well as they can.

“The animals are being fed enough, the afflictions some animals have are being discussed with the SPCA and will be sorted out.”

Kriek will attend the meeting arranged by Bunny Park Rescue at the Bunny Park on Saturday, July 18, to speak to the public regarding the park.

Benoni SPCA posted several statistics on Facebook recently, representing the number of animals they have caught at the Bunny Park over the past few months, due to the condition they were in:

The Benoni SPCA said they warned Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) several times that the conditions at the park were not up to standard.

“We have had intensive discussions and attempted to educate the site manager on the welfare of the animals, and issued warnings,” said Adele Makings, manager of Benoni SPCA.

“The municipal owned-Bunny Park has made no effort (as of July 14) to correct the state, but informed us of the lack of money and workers to maintain and upgrade this establishment.”

According to Martine Hampsen, who posted an article online after she and Michelle Benade had visited the park on July 3, there was a pit on the grounds where several dead animals had been placed.

EMM said the pit in question is the burial pit for dead animals at the park.

“Dead bunnies — which die of natural causes or are killed by blue herons — are collected from all over park and placed in a pit to be buried,” said Themba Gadebe, EMM spokesperson.

“An enquiry was made with the caretaker as to why these bunnies were not covered.

“The caretaker has made an undertaking that he shall ensure that this is done daily.”

“The deformity that affects their mouths, noses and eyes is due to inbreeding and is not contagious,” said Gadebe.

“With the help of the local SPCA, these bunnies are removed from the park on a regular basis.”

Gadebe said he met with SPCA at the park today (July 16) to formally establish a working relationship between the two entities.

He said EMM would be meeting with SPCA monthly to keep the communication lines open.

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