Enough potholes already

"Enough potholes already" writes:

We have been requested to ”report” potholes.

We have reported and reported and nothing is happening.

In the meantime, cars are damaged, tyres are damaged, rims are damaged and the poor motorists have to foot the bill.

When we reported ”no zebra stripes” on the speed humps, we were told ”there is no paint”, yet we see ”stop signs” being painted on the roads, which are in a state of collapse.

”There is paint for what?”

Again, cars are being shockingly damaged at night, because of no zebra stripes on the humps.

On certain roads, motorists have no choice but to break the law, as they have to drive on the wrong side of the road in an effort to avoid ongoing potholes.

There are more potholes in some of the roads than there is tar!

What is happening to all the licence fees paid by the thousands of motorists each year?

Must be millions of Rand, not to mention the millions of taxes paid.

Is this not supposed to go towards the maintenance and repair of roads?

I think the motorists deserve an honest answer to these queries.


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