Daveyton Church says no to xenophobia

Even though the Daveyton community did not experience xenophobic attacks, community members felt the need host a mass prayer against xenophobia.

The meeting, which took place on Wednesday, at the Charles Wesley Methodist Church, was a partnership between the Daveyton SAPS and Pastor Police Forum.

Various guest speakers stressed the importance of taking an active stand against xenophobia.

Pastors from across Daveyton took to the podium and prayed about various issues including unemployment, corruption and crime as these, they believe, are the some of the core issues that lead to hatred against foreigners.

WO Mish Makole, from Daveyton SAPS, introduced a task team for the Daveyton community, which consists of pastors and various members from the Daveyton SAPS.

The aim of the team is forge a strong relationship between the community and those tasked with protecting them.

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