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Knitters produce lots of winter warmth

More than 30 handmade blankets were handed over to the 67 Blankets project, at Eddy House, on Ampthill Avenue.

About 45 women participated in a drive to knit or crochet the blankets and the handover took place on the afternoon of April 9.

Anyone could participate and needed only to bring along a willingness to help others; most of the wool and needles were provided by 67 Blankets.

The participants said they thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

“It brought people together better than I’ve ever seen before; one afternoon, many of us were sitting in a circle under a tree, just laughing, sharing wool, enjoying the whole thing,” said Beth Templeman, a resident at Eddy House.

The goal of the drive at Eddy’s House, specifically, was both to collect blankets and, at the same time, to foster a social and active project for the participants.

“It was exciting for the residents; this project has the purpose of keeping people warm, it makes a difference in society,” said Zurina Munasar, a volunteer at Eddy House.

“It was a pleasure to work with the residents, they really enjoyed this project and we’re going to continue with such projects.”

Lauren Kirsten, of 67 Blankets, told the City Times Eddy House had been involved since mid-March, after she raised the point at one of the weekly arts and crafts classes she teaches at the retirement home.

The ultimate goal of 67 Blankets is to collect 21 000 home-made blankets and to spread them on the lawn of the Union Buildings, in Pretoria, on April 21.

The blankets will then be returned to the areas from which they came, to be distributed there.

This relates to a “knitathon” which was held with the same goal in mind, at Lakeside Mall, last month.

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