Crystal Park robber sentenced to 15 years

A man was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, for robbing a woman in Crystal Park, on October 25, last year.

The sentence was handed down in the Benoni Regional Court on March 19.

Jabulani Johannes Magubane robbed a woman of her handbag and cellphone on Concorde Street.

“The victim was able to identify the suspect and the investigating officer followed up on the information given,” said Crystal Park SAPS media liaison officer Tryan Maritz.

Magubane was arrested on November 10, last year.

He was found guilty of robbery with aggravating circumstances, in terms of section 51(2) of Act 105 of 1997.

The robber was also found unfit to possess a firearm.

He will serve his sentence in the Modderbee Prison.

Crystal Park SAPS acting station commander Capt JC Makubo, and the branch commander, Capt Glen Whitford, thanked investigating officer Const Dumisane Mtshali for the work he put into the investigation.

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