Enter the March photo competition

March entries for the Benoni City Times Photo Competition are now open.

Every month, we will ask you to submit your best photograph matching a theme published in the Benoni City Times newspaper.

A shortlist of the top four photos will be published on our website (www.benonicitytimes.co.za).

The public will have a chance to vote by commenting on their favourite photo; with the public’s vote carrying a 30 per cent weight.

The other 70 per cent will be decided by Darren Lustig of Kodak Northmead Square.

The winning photo will be published in the Benoni City Times’s month-end newspaper with a photo credit.

The winner will receive a prize of 100 free jumbo seized prints, sponsored by Kodak Northmead Square.

NOTE: The competition is exclusively for amateur photographers, ie not generating any income from photography whatsoever.

The panel of judges will take the following into consideration when choosing a winner: originality, composition, creativity, sharpness and whether the photo matches the specified theme.

The theme for March is: What does beautiful Benoni mean to you?

Add a description for the photo and where it was taken.

Photos may be emailed to kevinvdl@caxton.co.za, as an attachment, no larger than 3mb.

Entries close on March 20.

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