Beautiful suburbs tainted by litter

Leslie Young writes by email:

I am a proud resident of Ekurhuleni and have no interest, at all, of ever leaving to live in the northern suburbs of Gauteng.

However, driving around the leafy suburbs of Benoni, I can’t help but feel sad because of the litter scattered all over.

I might not be politically correct, but, does the municipality employ street cleaners anymore?

Does the municipality check the few and far between public dustbins?

When the Parks Department personnel start their lawnmowers to cut the park grass, they mow the litter too, making it look even worse.

It would be so much easier to pick up a plastic bottle than a few small shards of plastic…or not?

As mentioned previously, I am a proud resident of Benoni, so I take the time, once a week, to pick up litter that is strewn across my pavement.

I have suffered no injury or hardship.

Will it hurt those in, and around the suburbs, to pick up some litter on their daily walk, or outside their respective homes every week?

Do the schools no longer advocate a clean environment and encourage their pupils to clean up the parks surrounding the school property?

Where do we go from here?

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