The Young Lions Club, act of good deeds

The St Francis College Preparatory School, the Young Lions club visited Life the Glynnwood Hospital on February 11, to share some valentine love with the nursing staff and patients from the oncology ward.

The aim of the club is to teach young children the concept of “service before self”.
The club explores different areas in the community that can benefit from the services that the preparatory school children can offer.
They visit old age homes where they talk, sing and massage the hands of old people in frail care, they make sandwiches for the local churches to distribute to the homeless, they also collect old spectacles for operation “Bright Sight” and pet food for the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).
At the moment the club is working on a campaign to make children in schools aware of how precious water is and the importance of saving every drop of water.

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