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Hermien graduates cum laude

Benoni born and bred Bachelor of Design student Hermien Koekemoer graduated cum laude from the Inscape Education Group, in Pretoria, specialising in interior design.

She received awards for Top Student on Pretoria Campus, as well as Top National Student in Interior Design for 2014, when she graduated in December.

The Rynfield resident has set her aims on becoming the best interior designer.

This type of design involves the art of creating the inside of a building.

According to Hermien, in this trade, designers create new spatial layouts, find new ways of displaying objects, design new furniture, lighting and systems.

Interior designers mostly work on bigger scale projects, such as retail design, malls, airports, stations, shops and restaurants, or hospitality design (hotels) and very rarely on residential projects, such as private homes.

Often confused with decorating, interior design is not limited only to decorating the space, but has the capabilities to remove and add to a building or space, whereas decorators choose mostly furniture, fabrics, wallpapers, paints and other decorative products to suit a specific space.

Hermien has been employed by a well known interior design company in Pretoria, which does interiors and branding for mostly commercial and retail spaces.

She is a former Laerskool Rynfield pupil and obtained six distinctions and was the Dux Student and Top Academic Achiever when she matriculated from Hoërskool Hans Moore in 2010.

Hermien’s secret for success is: “If you are passionate about what you are doing, success follows automatically.”

When asked about her future plans, she said she wants to go overseas, gain experience and own a successful business.

Her plan is to open “The Orange Sheep” as an interior design company that will specialise in interiors, branding and graphic design, as well as having a décor store.

Hermien has her own website, where more information about her past performance, abilities and interests can be obtained (www.theorangesheep.weebly.com).

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