Kavady celebrated in Actonville

The Thai Poosam Kavady Hindu Festival public day, was held on Sunday, February 8.

The festival occurs annually in the Tamil month Thai.

A gathering of local Hindu devotees took part in the celebrations at the Benoni Sivan Alayam Temple, in Actonville.

A variety of kavadys were carried in a procession along a set route, after a series of prayers were performed in the temple.

The kavady symbolises the carriers’ burdens, which they rest at the feet of a Hindu deity.

Two baskets hang at each end of the kavady, which contain rice, milk, or other offerings from the devotee.

Some other ceremonies, such as the piercing of skin or mouth with skewers, may be included.

Devotees also cleanse themselves in preparation through prayer and fasting for a number of days before Kavady. They then gather for a feast at the end of the procession.

Click here to view a video of the celebration.

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