Women arrested after false hijacking claim

Two women were arrested for being in possession of a hijacked vehicle after the pair claimed to have been hijacked in the same vehicle days earlier.

Crystal Park media liaison officer Tryna Maritz said the suspects, who are aged 24 and 26, reported the vehicle as being hijacked to the police on December 30.

The vehicle is a company car of one of the suspects.

Maritz said the suspects reported the matter to the police 17 hours after they claimed they were hijacked on Cloverdene Road, at the traffic circle.

Maritz said police became suspicious of their story due to the location of the alleged hijacking and the fact that it was reported 17 hours after the incident.

“The investigating officer also received information that the complainant was looking for a buyer for the vehicle,” said Maritz.

“On Tuesday, January 6, the crime and investigation department (CID) members followed up on the information, which lead them to Strubenvale, Springs.

“While driving around, the SAPS members spotted the hijacked vehicle with four occupants inside.”

Only the two complainants could be linked to case.

The suspects are facing charges of being in possession of a hijacked vehicle, defeating the ends of justice and fraud.

The women appeared in court on January 8 and were released on bail of R 1000

They are expected to appear in the Benoni Magistrates Court on February 11.

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