Locals share experiences of the tremor

Residents in some parts of Benoni reported that they felt the tremor that hit Gauteng this afternoon.

The tremor reportedly measured 5.3 on the Richter Scale Epicentre, 6km East of Orkney, in the North West, and 10km underground.

Residents shared their experience on the City Times Facebook Page.

Crystal Park resident Sabine Poppmeier said she ran out of her house at high speed when she felt the tremor.

Other Crystal Park residents, Amiel and Tryna Maritz, said it lasted for about 20 seconds.

Adriana Steyn, of Brentwood Park, said: “Yes I did feel it; what a weird feeling.

“My freezers motor, ‘the washing line and the kitchen unit shook.”

Anne-Marie Brown McCue Neethling felt it in Northmead.

“I wondered what was happening and looked for a big truck thundering though the street,” she said.

Michelle Mack van der Berg said: “I live in Benoni North and our house shook for ages.”

Christelle Rautenbach also felt it in the Fairleads Agricultural Holdings.

The tremor, which apparently lasted for roughly 40 to 50 seconds in Gauteng, was also felt in other areas, including Welkom, Pretoria, parts of Mpumalanga and Polokwane.

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