
Did you know that now you can choose your own police officers?

Rampant corruption in the SAPS has led the national police commissioner, Gen Riah Phiyega, to review the recruitment process.

This follows the fraud allegations implicating several top cops.

Phiyega has approved changes to the recruitment strategy of entry level constables, to ensure that only the best suited candidates are allowed into the SAPS.

National police spokesman Lieut Solomon Makgale said that, from now on, there will be a community consultation process, publishing of names and a grooming camp for would-be police officers.

A community-orientated recruitment and selection process is intended to eliminate risks in terms of corruption, nepotism, discrimination, applicants with previous convictions/cases pending, fraudulent qualifications and promises of employment made in return for favours.

Makgale said local community-based organisations, such as Community Policing Forums, schools and churches, will be consulted with regard to applicants who are to be enlisted, before a final decision is taken as to their eligibility.

Candidates’ names will also be published in the local media for scrutiny.

This, Makgale said, would afford the community the opportunity to comment on the enlistment of applicants who are provisionally recommended for possible enlistment.

Makgale added that, as part of the final selection process, prospective applicants complying with all criteria will undergo a final selection by means of a “Grooming Camp”, where the cream of the crop will be selected.

“Activities at the grooming camp will include, but are not limited to, driving proficiency, vetting, integrity testing, fitness assessments, verbal communication and written assessments,” he said.

Successful candidates will be presented to the community in the form of a parade, before reporting to the SAPS Training Academies.

This will be done to afford the community an opportunity to give input.

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  1. Sounds like a more solid management plan. Hope it works out. There are some fantastic cops out there in South Africa that are let down constantly by other idiots on the force.

  2. Hi! I’m a guy 38 years i want 2 work with intelligance police i’m at Tafelkop next 2 Groblersdal.0717899905

  3. good idea, but then I hope you are going to pay these cream of the crop, qualified policemen decent salaries and that they know what they are working for and that they are “essential” service providers that are not allowed to strike

  4. I think it is a joke to ask Schools and hurches to give input on such dicissions. Shools is there to educate, and chuches is there to care and bind. The only criteria for appointing SAPS candidates should be.
    1. a legal matric
    2. a drives licence
    3. Clean criminal record
    4. Good communication skills in writing
    and reading in English and another language

  5. I give salute to all SAPS Structural Ranks from General to Constable . As a patriotic man ”Comply now and complain later ” I glad to be part and parcel of this recruitment new strategy process entry level constable . I believe to be the best of cream of crop ”SAPS” they need because I done well my assessments . I dedicated to serving my country and also preserve the country internal security . The mission to create safe and secure environment of people of South Africa . At SAPS Academy they evaluate us test driving those who have Driving licence , now I’m shocked because they recruited also candidates who don’t have learners licence . On my behalf I ready to take action . I have grade12 passed 2006 , Diploma in Computer Clerk passed 2011 , Security Certificates Grade E-D-C-B-A and PSIRA Certificates , Firearm Competency Certificate , Driving Licence code 10 with valid pdp , Identity Document . I have no criminal record . History Employment I had been employed by Vizual Security Company as a guard for two years then resigned to joined ADT dept of LSS for one year I resigned to go back to Vizual Security to be obtain post to be Armed Response Officer for Six months . I grew up got dream to be official police to prevent , combat and investigate crime , protect properties , to pursue any perpetrator , to effect an arrest , to putting criminal behind bars . I have patriotism by devote/donate myself and love one’s country .


    L Sele

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