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Thysse and Qvist join forces empower women

Benonians Brigitte Thysse and Colleen Qvist recently joined forces to deliver a women empowerment talk at Christian Family Ministries.

Thysse, a public relations specialist and young, motivational speaker, empowered the women through her “Eight daily steps to success” guide, and launched the “Women with Dignity Project”, with which she is assisting Margaret Hirsch (Businesswoman of South Africa 2013).

She believes passionately that no one is too young to accomplish anything.

“If you want something, you will get it,” encouraged Thysse.

“If you ever feel like giving up, rather look back at how far you have actually come.

“The world is filled with endless opportunities, but it is up to you to actually make it happen — no one else.”

Qvist, an empowerment coach, addressed the women on “Loving yourself enough to develop habits for happiness”.

She said everyone wants happiness, but we spend our lives rushing, worrying and working.

“The voice in our heads tells us we are not doing things well enough, or that we are never going to reach our goals every day,” said Qvist.

She advised guests how on to change their lives via positive affirmations, and being aware of what they are putting into the world, “because it comes back”, taking time to breathe consciously during quiet time, prioritising, making “me-time”, being grateful and collecting compliments.

She also focused on letting go of your past.

Qvist thanked Brigitte for including her in the programme.

“It was lovely to see women empowering themselves by taking the time to come and network with others,” she commented.

Thysse also officially launched the “Girls with Dignity Project” on the East Rand during her presentation.

She said it saddens her to know of over nine million underprivileged girls in South Africa who cannot afford sanitary protection.

“These girls miss a week of school, due to their menstrual cycle, and because of this their marks are affected greatly,” she said

For this cause, Margaret Hirsch introduced dignity panty packs, consisting of a product that will last for a total of five years, in collaboration with Sue Barnes, who designed and manufactures the packs of panties and pads.

The aim is to give women “limitless possibilities” once they receive one.

Thysse assisted Hirsch by launching this project on the East Rand.

“We hand over the packs to underprivileged girls and then assess their progress at school after three months,” she explained.

“It is absolutely amazing to see their marks and confidence improve.”

She said she would like to increase the distribution of these packs and make a difference in the lives of as many girls as she can.

Brigitte Thysse with Chipo Mazanti, Precious Mazanti and Yolanda Mazanti after they recieved their Dignity Packs (Large)
Brigitte Thysse with Chipo Mazanti, Precious Mazanti and Yolanda Mazanti after they recieved their Dignity Packs.

Brigitte’s eight daily steps to success:

  1. Vision boards: “Cut out pictures of anything you want in life, be it a car, a specific looking home or a holiday destination, and stick it on your mirror so you can look at it every single morning when you wake up — you need to tell yourself each day that you want it, and you will get it.”
  2. Fitness: “You need at least 20 minutes of exercise per day, in the morning or evening — it is so important to look after yourself by putting in a little more effort each day — if you look good, you will feel good and be more successful.”
  3. “Dress to Impress Ladies.”
  4. To do list/goals: “Get to work an hour earlier each day, sit at your desk and write down each thing you need to do that day — If It’s not on paper, It’s vapour — start with the activity you are dreading most and get it out the way as early as you can, else all your other tasks will be less productive.”
  5. Healthy eating: “In our busy lifestyles, it is so easy to run into the shop, buy a pie and fizzy cool drink; rather take an extra hour per day and prepare healthy meals for the next day, once you get into the routine, you will never want to stop.”
  6. Breathing exercises: “Because we are women, we do tend to have 10 different personalities in the course of one day (sorry gentlemen), if you are feeling overwhelmed at any point, close your eyes, take a deep breath in for four seconds, hold for another four and release for four more.”
  7. “If you want something, work for it; nothing is just going to fall into your hands.”
  8. Community involvement: “Take the time out to do something for someone else; there are so many people and charities out there that can use your helping hand.”

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