Join the university of the third age

The U3A (University of the Third Age) is looking for people in Benoni who are interested in joining its ranks.

The voluntary, non-profit-making organisation is a learning co-operative for “third agers”.

It is committed to providing life-long opportunities for people no longer in full-time employment and contradicts the view that there is inevitably an intellectual decline with age.

In many countries in which it flourishes, third agers show remarkable ability to organise and create exciting teaching and learning experiences.

The word “university” is used in its original sense, meaning a corporation of persons devoted to study.

There are no entry requirements or examinations at U3A.

Fellowship and the love of learning are the only essentials.

None of the course leaders or administration persons are paid for their services.

All course activities are held during the day and take place mostly in the homes of group leaders.

Course leaders are a mix of retired academics and enthusiastic amateurs who enjoy sharing their knowledge and skills with others.

Each course finds its own way of operating, but there is a strong emphasis on participation and involvement.

Some of the courses have been running for years, others take place over shorter periods.

Topics including art appreciation, literature, music, creative writing, film studies, language courses, tours, gardening, baking, reading and visits to places of interest.

There usually are around 40 courses running in Johannesburg.

A guest speaker is usually invited to address the people and, over the years, there have been a wide variety of stimulating talks.

U3A charges an annual membership fee of R60.

If you would like to join, contact Cheryl Patterson on 082 346 4756, or visit their website at

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