
Metro rejects ‘media attack’ on city manager

The Ekurhuleni Metro said it has noted the negative media coverage focusing on the integrity of city manager Khaya Ngema.

“The allegations are strongly rejected as unfounded and baseless,” said Mandlakazi Mpahlwa-Sigcawu, Ekurhuleni’s media relations divisional head.

The whole media campaign seems to be designed to attack the integrity and professional reputation of the city manager.

Mpahlwa-Sigcawu said that, on the contrary, the city manager has been doing his usual work as the accounting officer, supported by the senior management team.

This includes:

  •  All irregular expenditure that has occurred in the metro, each financial year, has been reported by the city manager through the annual report to council and to National Treasury.

Subsequently, council refers it to the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) for further interrogation and recommendations.

MPAC relies on the findings of the auditor general, internal audit, finance department, heads of department and the city manager, in processing these reports for purposes of determining a final report to council.

  •  The irregular expenditure relating to the approval of tenders above R10-million by The Bid Adjudication Committee (BAC), instead of the city manager, did, indeed, occur. It is important to point out that all these tenders followed the full supply chain management (SCM) process, and went through the relevant bid committees. Even those instances when the SCM process was not followed in full, was done in terms of the prescribed deviation process. The only step not followed was the approval by the city manager after the recommendations by the BAC. No fraud or corruption was involved, and full value was received by the EMM for those services.
  •  All cases that had fraud and corruption linked to them were also disclosed by the city manager to the National Treasury and council.

These continue to be processed and council is updated through the Municipal Public Accounts Committee.

  •  There are currently investigations taking place in the Roads Department. They relate to spending not according to budgets approved, as well as not complying to SCM processes by various officials in the said department. These challenges were found through whistle blowers, as well as ongoing investigations by the Finance Department, as part of its normal expenditure control and reporting function.

“Since we are dealing with current and ongoing processes, and to be fair and balanced to all individuals concerned, we do not wish to divulge much as this stage,” said Mpahlwa-Sigcawu.

“This despite various people running a disinformation campaign in the media.

“We can further confirm that various investigations are ongoing against particular companies and officials.

“We can also confirm that some of these companies’ contracts have been terminated for various reasons, including poor contractual performance.

“Again, the city manager will continue to report on these in the correct platforms.

“And, finally, we can also confirm that we are aware of a complaint filed with the Public Protector recently by head of strategy Mesuli Mlandu.

“This complaint follows closely on a batch of internal documents he has been circulating to various people, a number of which have “mysteriously” found their way to the media, in particular the Sunday World and the New Age.”

Mpahlwa-Sigcawu said the Public Protector has written to the city manager for clarification regarding Mlandu’s allegations and that the process is being attended to.

“Mlandu has himself been a subject of an internal disciplinary action on various acts of misconduct; he has been found guilty on all charges,” said Mpahlwa-Sigcawu.

“In that hearing Mr Mlandu had an opportunity to substantiate his allegations, but did not do so.

“Instead he chose to peddle them everywhere else, where he does not have to substantiate.”

The metro said it will continue to deliver on its constitutional mandate to render services to its citizenry without distraction. “This includes fighting fraud and corruption at all levels,” said Mpahlwa-Sigcawu.

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