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Megan to further her dancing career in Hollywood

Benoni has a tendency to produce names in the limelight, such as Charlize Theron, Lira and Princess Charlene of Monaco, and it continues to do so. Megan van der Merwe (20) is looking forward to leaving South Africa in June, to further her education in dancing, after being accepted into the International Dance Academy of Hollywood (IDA).

The green-eyed, dark blonde Rynfield resident is a multi-talented artist in the musical, modelling, acting and singing fields, and has a passion for modern, jazz, contemporary and hip hop dancing.

At the age of only 20 years she already boasts a string of achievements.

In 2013 she was scouted by by Kim Myres, an international talent scout from America, to perform at the Arising Talent Showcase, in Orlando, Florida.

There she received two first places in the creative runway and fashion runway categories.

Added to this she received three honourable mentions for her performances and received call backs from major agents in America.

She was accepted into the New York Film Academy in 2013.

She completed her schooling career at Farrarmere Primary and St Dunstan’s College and currently studies sports science through the Health and Fitness Professionals Academy.

Due to this being an internationally accredited institution, Megan will carry on with her studies during her stay in America.

“This knowledge comes as an advantage in my career as a dance teacher, but also as a personal trainer and exercise instructor,” she said.

“It allows me to understand more about the body and the different movements that it is capable of performing.”

Megan has not yet attended the New York Film Academy, having chosen to first pursue and complete her career in dancing.

“Having an opportunity to pursue my acting career at the New York Film Academy, after completing my education at the International Dance Academy of Hollywood, is a major bonus for which I am so grateful,” said Megan.

She will live on Hollywood Boulevard, California, for the three months that she will be attending IDA.

Megan has the option of extending this to a longer period.

“The training (at IDA) is very intense in many styles of dancing, which is great, because this will build on my knowledge of the styles that I have already learnt,” she said.

“I will also return to South Africa with in-depth international knowledge of dance styles with which I am not familiar.”

She is in the advanced stage of modern dance, while completing her first year of her teacher’s qualification through the Imperial Society of Dance Teachers, however when she returns to South Africa with a diploma from IDA, she will automatically be qualified to teach.

Megan said she has been working extremely hard to get to her current position, for as long as she can remember.

“I have always wanted to be part of the entertainment industry and I feel extremely proud that all my hard work has eventually started paying off,” she said.

“I have always wanted to showcase my talents on an international level and I am so extremely grateful and humbled by this opportunity and to be able to represent my community and country in the United States of America.”

When the City Times asked whether she felt excited or nervous about leaving the country, she replied that she felt both.

“I am very nervous to be leaving and living on my own in another country, but very excited to be working towards my goal of being a professional dancer and furthering my education in dance on an international level,” she said.

Her advice to others who wish to pursue similar dreams is: “Always remember to stay true to who you are and remember what you stand for.

“Always be grateful, accept with grace and always remain humble.

“Never give up on your dreams — international is possible and with hard work and dedication success will come your way.”

Some of her future goals include opening a dance academy similar to the International Dance Academy in South Africa, and including modelling and acting classes.

“I plan to bring all my experience to my studio and to educate my students with all the knowledge I have had the opportunity gain from top agents and individuals in the industry, nationally and internationally,” she said.

Another of her future goals is to enter the Miss South Africa pageant, to which she gained automatic entry after winning Miss Summer Heat South Africa, one of the eight pageant titles she owns.


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