Educating children on healthy sexual boundaries

Due to the recent increase in child-on-child rape, the Sexual Assault Clinic has embarked on an Awareness Project to assist parents, teachers and care-givers with the teaching of healthy sexual boundaries to children.

The Rhino and Elephant is based on the crafted book “Koala and Bunny – Instilling Protective Behaviours in Children”, created and authored by Al Smith, from Australia.

The Sexual Assault Clinic obtained permission from the author to change the book to suite the South African audience.

A special puppet show has been introduced to bring the message to children between the ages of four and 10 years.

“It is a fun and interactive puppet show that not only teaches children healthy sexual boundaries, but also touches on HIV, basic hygiene and networking with trusted people,” said Michelle Billion, Sexual Assault Clinic centre manager.

“The puppet show has received a wonderful response from its audiences and the book has become a wonderful tool to assist teachers when they are asked difficult questions.”

She added that the Koala and Bunny story book, with its colouring-in section, is handed to the children after the show, to compound the teachings.

Teachers and parents can download the “Rhino and Elephant” booklet for free off on the Sexual Assault Clinic’s website, at www., under the Awareness Programme tab.

The Awareness Programme will be given to schools in the Ekhuruleni area over the next year.

The organisation has also introduced child-friendly officers to pilot schools, to assist with children in distress.

The officers are part of the school staff and act as a liaison between child, parent, school body and the relevant authorities.

The training of these officers includes the correct protocol and procedures on how to report an incident and how to comfort a child during this period.

Schools which are interested in having the Awareness Project taught to their pupils can contact the clinic on 011 420 0523.

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