Nutrition tips for your preschool child

Unpredictable and unusual eating behaviour is very common among preschool children aged two to five years.

Often at meal and snacktime, there is a frequent struggle for control between parents and children of what to eat, how much to eat, and even when to eat.

Children have different physical and emotional needs than adults. Recognising these differences can help minimise tensions centred on food and make mealtime more pleasant.

Here are a few tips to assist parents in meal planning and food selection.

Remember, children have their own internal signals for hunger, satiety, and nutrient needs that guide them in making appropriate decisions about food.

Forcing your child to try every food or clean their plates is not helpful and may be harmful to a child’s future relationship with food.

Try to provide balanced, varied and tasty meals and snacks.

Offer foods from all the food groups: Whole grains such as wholewheat bread, wholegrain pastas and wholegrain cereals.

Offer five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily, lower fat and non-fat milk products; lean trimmed meats and skinless poultry, fish, dried peas, beans and nuts.

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