Eye tests for Oliver’s House teens

A Bausch + Lomb (B+L), a company that supplies optical products, recently embarked on a corporate social responsibility initiative in which dozens of teenagers had yheir eyes tested.

The tests were done at Oliver’s House and the B+L bus was a hive of activity as the teens peered into high-tech eye equipment and pondered over unusual shapes in books, aimed to create optical illusions.

We identified Oliver’s House as an organisation with which we want to partner, because of the fantastic work they are doing with children in and around the Benoni area,” said Virna Alexander, pharmaceutical business manager.

He added that the time they spent with the organisation was not just about testing the children’s eyesight and giving them recommendations where necessary, but it’s was also about showing them what the actual eye and component parts look like.

“If we can teach them from a young age about healthy eye care, then we can prevent a lot of unnecessary distress in the future,” said Alexander.

“We are grateful for the effort that the Bausch + Lomb team put into this initiative,” said Oliver’s House CEO Terence Ferreira.

“What they are doing here is something the kids will never forget; from a practical point of view they will learn so much and be able to apply it in their written work.”

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