Recreate yourself through personal branding

What do you get when a group of women are gathered together in a room? It spells “inspiration”.

This unfolded at The Victorian Secret, in Western Extension, recently, when the Human Resources and Skills Market (HRSM ) company invited and gathered women from all walks of life to meet for a power-packed breakfast, in light of Women’s Month.

HRSM, based in Rynfield, offers skills development in human resources and provides learnerships and training to the public, while encouraging and sharing inspirational and life-altering ideas with one another.

Guest speaker for the day, Lorin Edgar, enlightened the women, who are from various companies and careers, about the importance of personal branding in their personal life as well as their career life.

Edgar, a part time employee at the marking agency Co-Currency, has a Master’s Degree in education and an Honours degree in branding, and was well within her element as she spoke about the ways to create or recreate yourself as a brand.

“I felt awesome and inspired and wanted to share it with others,” Edgar said.

As the women in the room listened and paid close attention to everything said, the gathering took to a new level of insight and empowerment.

Edgar said the importance of personal development and branding is great in making a change in the environment you find yourself in and is becoming more important than your IQ and EQ.

“Everything you do says a lot about you as a brand, and it’s all connected to how you want to be received in the world,” she said.

She likened personal branding to any commercial brand and the similarity in their principles.

“People expect that you are the same today as you were yesterday like they expect a drink to taste the same each time.”

“You develop a new sense of being when thinking of yourself as a brand that is needed in the world,” she said, “so being authentic and constant means that you meet expectations from people.”

She encouraged the women to follow three key points when developing their personal brand: A new greeting, a word to live by and a slogan that explains what they are all about.

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