Tackle your business from the bottom up

Going back to basics by applying Ubuntu must be the foundation of growing a company.

Roney Ndala, director of R&M Training and Coaching Consultancy and chairman of the Ekurhuleni Captains of Industry Forum, centred his address around this concept, at the A-Round 10 Business Clusters (ARTBC) meeting, at Cherrylane Gourmet Café, recently.

The ARTBC is a business breakfast forum where each meeting has a different speaker, each sharing their stories of success and what they learnt along the way.

The initiative is hosted by Gryphon Enterprise Development, whose vision it is to create unity and co-operation in the local business sector.

“We have to go back to basics and involve the people doing the groundwork,” said Ndala.

He explained how his work as a production consultant taught him to focus on the staff of a company, and their relations with management.

“We have to apply the Ubuntu concept in business: don’t tell your employees what to do or how to do it, involve them in the process of creating targets and systems,” he advised.

According to Ndala, open communication between staff and management is key to not only making a company survive, but flourish.

“Don’t assume people know everything, teach them,” he said.

The breakfasts are held every third Friday of the month, at Cherrylane Gourmet Café, in Northmead, from 7.25am to 8.30am.

There is a fee for the breakfast buffet.

For more information, contact Bonnie Chimanikire on 011 849 9481.

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