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Successful business key: Balance business and family

“Slow down on what you think is a priority and pick up the pace on what really matters,” was the advice given by businessman, Reinhold Titus.

Titus spoke at the A-Round Ten Business Clusters (ARTBC) meeting, hosted by Gryphon Enterprise Development on Friday morning (October 21) at Cherrylane Gourmet Café.

The ARTBC is a business breakfast forum whereby each meeting has a different speaker who motivates and teaches about their experiences in business.

Titus is the owner of Reinhold Titus Consulting (RTC) which is a cultural and leadership consulting, training and coaching company for both the profit and non-profit sectors.

However, he did not deliver a speech about everyday business challenges and triumphs; instead, he spoke about what made him stop being so caught up in the business sector, in order to appreciate life.

“I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in August 2015 and I was given two years to live,” Titus said.

He posed the question to those at the business breakfast.

“If you had only two years to live, what would you use that time to do?” he asked.

This news changed the perspective of life for the businessman who predominantly focused on helping struggling entrepreneurs while sustaining his own company in order to ensure that he brought a stable income for his wife, Natalie and three children, Aiden (7), Keanu (5) and Desirae (2) Titus.

“I learned to slow down and treasure precious moments with my family who would have nothing but my legacy when I passed on,” Titus added.

The 43-year-old said his daughter, Desirae, sits on his lap while he reverses the car from the garage every morning.

“I looked at my little girl and realised that I won’t be the one to teach her how to drive,” he said.

As much as he slowed down, he also picked up the pace to enjoy life to the fullest.

“I always wanted to go skydiving, and I did that, among others,” he added.

Titus was grateful for the support he received from his family and wife, and it made him realise that he took her for granted.

“After receiving a second opinion from the doctors in the US, who confirmed I had cancer, I called my wife,” Titus said.

“I told her that we need to sell the house to pay for the medical bills and she said that it is okay because there is no house without me in it.”

But life gave Titus another chance.

“I am a firm believer in Jesus so I was at total peace during this time,” Titus said.

“I went back to the doctor four months after my diagnosis and they could not find any sign of cancer in my body.”

Overall, Titus shared only three tips with those in the business sector:

•Making memories is more important than making money

•Appreciate life; be present in the everyday moments that life offers

•Make a legacy so that your life is lived to the fullest.

Also read:

Hunger for success will get you there

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