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W(h)ine not: Can we have a system that works?

Will the champions of change, please stand up?

Hypnotised by the moving images on TV, it seems that the biggest inconvenience functioning adults in the Northern Hemisphere face during their morning routine is whether every child is wearing shoes and that everyone brushed their teeth.

However, for us living on the most southern tip of Africa, mornings not only start with the taunting laughter of the hadeda but with a 101 questions, which will ultimately dictate the day’s mood.

Is there water in the taps and is the power on? Can’t start the day without a cup of sanity?

With fuel to face the day, you quickly mind-map your route to school and work, taking every eventuality into consideration.

Will the traffic lights be working today? If not, will there be pointsmen (haha I can tick the day’s joke off the list)?

Which route has the least potholes? Don’t forget the possibility of service delivery protests.

Key in the ignition the morning news chimes.

Another government official has be caught with their sticky fingers in the state coffers, a high ranking police officer has been linked to some rather shady figures and emergency personnel refuse to respond to calls out of fear of being targeted by criminals.

Finally, at the office, my inbox whines as scores of emails filter through – refuse not collected, sewage flowing like a river, water meters spewing like geysers and another charity organisation facing closure due to funding being slashed.

Other than tax-paying citizens, is there anything in our beautiful country that actually works?

Cautiously driving through the streets of Benoni, grass cutting and the maintenance of open spaces is being conducted by community driven projects.

Menacing potholes are repaired by civil action groups and the plight of the needy is heeded by Samaritans.

Bringing these glaringly obvious issues to the attention of the relevant government departments is always met with a well-practised shrug and the words ‘the necessary funds are not currently available to address the problem.’

Can we please get real for a moment?

The court ordered placement of a child in a registered Child Care and Youth Centre (CCYC) means that the government is responsible in maintaining the rights to health, care and education of that innocent soul.

Cutting funding to CCYC institutions places them, the future leaders of this country, at risk of having to return to an environment which is not conducive to their development.

An accident which was caused due the fact the pothole repairs have been neglected is a result of the mismanagement of taxes.

Although these issues may seem to be on the opposite ends of the spectrum the common denominator rests solely with poor governance and leadership.

While we nibble on scraps the political fat cats dine on the fruits of its citizens’ labour, periodically throwing us a half-eaten bone in the form of a stable power grid, slightly lowered inflation or the abolishment of a questionable tolling system.

There is so much negativity currently consuming our everyday lives and with the elections drawing nearer we are looking for a glimmer of hope in the faces of every candidate.

Everyone is hinging their hopes for a better South Africa on these prospective leaders.

Can one of them please just stand up, deliver on their promises and give us a government that works for its citizens?

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