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Karatekas to arm community with self-defence techniques

“I wish I could get every household to attend so we can teach them how to look after themselves at home or in the streets."

Shihan Frans Bronkhorst and sensei Terrick Wright have teamed up to offer self-defence classes to help Benonians take care of themselves in confrontational situations.

Bronkhorst and Wright are legendary martial artists with decades of experience.

“Small things, such as learning to be vigilant and knowing what to do and look out for in certain panic situations, will help you to be prepared. If you are unprepared, human nature takes over and you panic. Our classes will teach the community how to handle these situations,” said Wright.

Shaihan Frans Bronkhorst.

The duo said their classes focus on techniques such as neck-locks, being grabbed from behind, arm and shoulder locks, as well as children’s awareness.

“I wish I could get every household to attend so we can teach them how to look after themselves at home or in the streets. It’s not about the money. It’s about helping the community, especially children and women,” said shihan Bronkhorst.

Bronkhorst is a legend of karate in South Africa with over 50 years of experience and national colours. He was recently honoured with the title of shihan or grandmaster after achieving his seventh dan, which is a rare feat in Goju-kai.

Wright is a second dan but has been in the sport for more than 20 years.

Sensei Terrick Wright.

“Bronkhorst has always said he wants to leave a legacy. He has spent his lifetime being dedicated to martial arts. He wants to leave something for the community of Benoni.”

They started offering these lessons a month and a half ago at Dynamic Dance Studio in Farrarmere.

“I had two women who were in my self-defence classes. They were attacked. They came to my house to thank me for what I’ve done for them. They said they wouldn’t have been able to get out of the situation if it were not for the lessons,” said Bronkhorst.

For more info, contact Wright on 061 390 2548 or email terrick.wright@gmail.com.

Also Read: Karateka do well at regional champs

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