Local sport

FOLLOW-UP: Metro responds to Willowmoore Park issues

"The club should report any irregular activities to the EMPD."

The City of Ekurhuleni has instructed the Eastern Cricket Union to report any irregular activities or illegal occupation by vagrants outside Willowmoore Park to the EMPD.

“The club, as the lessee of the property, should report this irregular activity or illegal occupation by vagrants outside the facility to EMPD Law Enforcement unit for intervention as it poses a danger to the property and its occupants,” city spokesperson Zweli Dlamini said.

Dlamini was responding to a Benoni City Times query on the presence of vagrants along a section of the facility’s fence on the corner of Harpur Avenue and Tom Jones street.

The paper reported on September 23 that Willowmoore Park was plagued by vandalism, theft and neglect.

Furthermore, Eastern Cricket’s Colin Gxowa revealed to the City Times that the scorers’ booth at the facility was recently burgled and that it had cost the union R26 000 in repairs.

Gxowa also said the public toilets next to where the vagrants stay were damaged and had to be closed.

Also Read: Concerns about filth caused by homeless at Willowmoore Park

“As per the terms and conditions of the lease, the club as the lessee in this instance will be responsible for reporting any irregular activities within and outside the facility.

“Like in the case of the illegal occupation referred to in the inquiry, it is advisable for the club as the lessee to refer the matter to the attention of EMPD Law Enforcement unit for intervention,” Dlamini said.

Following the City Times’ initial article on the issues at the facility in July, we sent an inquiry to the EMPD on August 31.

Despite spokesperson Kelebogile Thepa acknowledging that they received the query, and further attempts from the paper to bring this issue to the EMPD’s attention, there’s still no response.

Maintenance and funding

On issues of maintenance and funding, the union revealed that it was struggling with the upkeep of the facility, especially on the outside perimeter due to financial constraints. It further revealed it was not receiving any funding from the municipality.

“There is a greater question whether they have applied for funding or engaged the relevant Real Estate Department that provided them with the lease agreement per the maintenance terms,” said Dlamini.

Also Read: Willowmoore Park rocked by vandalism and theft


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