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Trust warns of TB claims scamsters

Claimants should not pay anyone to assist them with their claim.

It has come to the attention of the Tshiamiso Trust that former mineworkers continue to fall victim to touts who claim to be able to assist them with their silicosis and TB claims.

The Tshiamiso Trust was established to help people with silicosis and TB to claim compensation that is rightfully theirs, following the settlement agreement between six mining companies and claimant attorneys in the historic silicosis and TB class action lawsuit.

According to the Trust, unscrupulous individuals are claiming to be able to assist claimants to expedite their claims for a fee.

“It must be remembered that claims and services are free,” said Gugulethu Makhubo, the Trust’s communications manager.

“The Trust does not accept payments for claims and services  Claimants should not pay anyone to assist them with their claim as it cannot be processed faster by anyone outside the organisation for any reason.

“Each case is considered on individual merits and then a decision is made. The claimant is informed directly.”

He said the claim process is a lengthy one and typically takes up to 180 days (six months).

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“We understand this is a long waiting period and we thank all claimants for their patience while claims are reviewed and processed.”

The Trust encourages potential claimants wanting to lodge a claim to self-check on https://www.tshiamisotrust.com/status-check/to see if they meet the criteria to successfully lodge a claim from the Trust.

This can be done by entering their South African identity number or industry number to check if their details are on the Tshiamiso Trust database and to see if they may be eligible to lodge a claim with the Trust.

Claimants who need help with the process can contact the call centre for assistance or to obtain information about the eligibility of claims and if they may potentially have a valid claim, they will be guided to the next steps.

The Tshiamiso Trust may be contacted on 0801 000 240.

They can also email info@tshiamisotrust.com.

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