
Supplementary valuation roll process starts after implementation of GVR 2021-2025

Maintenance of the GVR is done through supplementary valuations, in accordance with Section 78 of the Municipal Property Rates Act (MPRA).

The General Valuation Roll (GVR) for the term 2021-2025 will kick in on July 1, and maintenance of the GVR will only start thereafter.

This means Section 78 query forms for GV2021-2025 will only be accepted from July 1.

“Maintenance of the GVR is done through supplementary valuations in accordance with Section 78 of the Municipal Property Rates Act (MPRA). This maintenance of the GVR is progressive until the valuation roll comes to an end on June 30, 2025.

“The City does produce a monthly supplementary file for queries received every month, and at the end of the financial year the Supplementary Valuation Roll (SVR) is compiled comprising all supplementary monthly files produced in that particular financial year,” explained metro spokesperson Zweli Dlamini.

Dlamini pointed out that SVR is published the same as the GVR and all processes of objections and appeals are the same for both the GVR and SVR.

“Any property owner who did not object against an entry in the GVR and was accommodated through Section 78 route, they will be allowed to object if they are still not satisfied with the Section 78 outcome.

“Failure to object again when the SVR that contains their property is published will not be accepted and that property will not be attended through the same Section 78 process again in the following financial years throughout the validity of the GVR.

“Section 78 query forms for the same property will be accepted more than once only if the reason to submit the Section 78 query form is as per Section 78(1)(c), (d) and (f),” stated Dlamini.

Section 78 of MPRA reads as follows:

78. (1) A municipality must, whenever necessary, cause a supplementary valuation to be made in respect of any rateable property- (c) subdivided or consolidated after the last general valuation; (d) of which the market value has substantially increased or decreased for any reason after the last general valuation; (f) that must be revalued for any other exceptional reason.

Section 78 query forms will be submitted in all customer care centres (CCC) throughout the CoE and the Valuation Section, which is located on the fourth floor at Kempton Civic Centre.


Understanding the General Valuation Roll 


 New rates, valuation roll, available for viewing 


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