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Clean-up at Homestead

Manny's and CMS get together to ensure a proper clean-up was done during the festive season.

Every year the community and residents of Wilge Street in Benoni get together on a daily basis during the festive season to do a clean-up of Homestead Lake.

“The sad thing is, as soon as its cleaned people arrive the same day and litter,” explained Katerina Taxer, a Farrarmere resident.

“They leave alcohol bottles and all their leftovers.


Few residents clean up a park with a smile!

“Believe it or not, the same visitors have the audacity to empty their cars in front of the residents who are cleaning at the time, with empty alcohol bottles and then they drive off.

“Some visitors empty their cars in the park and then take their picnic baskets to go party in a clean spot.”

On December 30, Taxer noticed 10 or more people walking around Homestead.

“I could not see what they were doing and with lockdown there should not have been anyone in the park,” she said.

“I also noticed CMS riding up and down.

“As I went closer I saw them carrying black bags.

“I asked a worker who had instructed the clean-up and who is paying them.”

CMS bakkie drove up filled with garbage bags and behind him a massive tip truck practically full to the brim with bags of rubbish.

Taxer later found out that CMS and Manny’s Hardware Supplies sponsor a full-time person on a daily basis to clean up around Homestead Dam and to cart the rubbish away to the dumps.

“The next minute a CMS bakkie drove up filled with garbage bags and behind him a massive tip truck practically full to the brim with bags which was a second load and they were only halfway down the park,” she said.

“As residents we are grateful for the kindness of Manny’s and CMS.”

Caren Hancock, a Farrarmere resident and PA at Manny’s Hardware Supplies, said:

“Before the new lockdown regulations an unusual amount of visitors enjoyed their days at the dam.

“The park was left in a mess and our staff member could not cope with the cleaning up on his own.

“It was noticed that community members were dropping off their household/garden rubbish against the barrier railings at the dam during the festive season.

“Because I live in Wilge Road I will not accept the rubbish lying around and therefore CMS and Manny’s Hardware Supplies sponsored 12 workers instead of just the usual one.

“We cleaned up the park and emptied all the dustbins and carted all the rubbish bags to the dumps.”

Newly elected ward councillor Mary Goby said that during December, before level three lockdown, the park was used on a daily basis (including evenings) by the public and overnight campers which is illegal.

“There are sign boards but they are ignored.


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“There was an enormous mess of refuse that was left behind.

“It was a total disgrace and of course the municipality did nothing about it before they closed on December 24.

“Manny’s Hardware and CMS got together and cleaned up the whole park to make it look more like it should be.

“We as the councillors and all the residents are truly thankful for this.

“It took two truckloads too clean up the mess.

“I went past again recently to see what the area looked like and cannot believe that there is refuse lying around again and we are in level three,” she concluded.


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