
Keep your pet on your property

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Shirley Rattey writes:

I had the terrible misfortune of knocking over a Chow dog in 11th Avenue, Northmead.

This was an absolute tragedy because the dog had to be euthanised. And this is something I will live with for a very, very long time.

Please let this serve as a heads up for pet owners, do everything you can to keep your animals inside your property.

A moment of carelessness has resulted in heartache, for both me and the family who lost their pet.
To Helen, my heartfelt thanks for your assistance at the time, I really appreciate it.

Following me to the vet and the offer of financial assistance was way beyond the scope of ‘help’ but so very kind.
You are truly a lady in a million.

To Benoni Vet Animal Hospital staff and in particular doctors Joe and Kurt, thanks for stabilising this little girl and ensuring she was not in pain.

I know she was in excellent and loving hands.

And to inspector Mosito of the Benoni SPCA many thanks for taking charge of the situation as well as taking care of the poor little dog.

Your counselling was both kind and helpful.


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