Community AnnouncementsNews

Children’s home seeks donations

The Nyeleti Children’s Home, founded in 2003 by Nomsa Sithole, is in need of the community’s assistance for winter.

The Nyeleti Children’s Home, founded in 2003 by Nomsa Sithole, is in need of the community’s assistance for winter.

Nomsa founded the Putfontein home to provide shelter and bring love and hope to vulnerable children.

The home was named after her daughter, Nyeleti Mkhonto. The non-profit organisation has been struggling financially to sustain its operational costs and is also finding it hard to secure sponsors.

The home shelters and feeds 30 children between the ages of one to 17 years.

All the children of school-going age attend school.


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“We have been struggling for years now to get donations from companies, but we only have a few which assist us, namely MBP Engineering which pays transport for the children at times and organises fun days for them and Bliss Brands and Food Forward which supply food to us,” said Mkhonto.

She added there are times when she needs to take money out of her own pocket to help the home.

“There have been times when we haven’t had transport money, and this affects them.

“We try so hard to raise funds and have recently started a chicken project and a vegetable garden and have also thought of starting sewing lessons for the girls,” she said.

Mari Erasmus, caretaker of the home, said that their main goal is to be self-sustainable and give the children the best secure home.

The public can assist by making a financial contribution, or donating food, school uniforms, winter clothes, blankets and toiletries.

For more information, contact Nyeleti on 061 991 3873 or Nomsa on 060 347 9634.

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