
Word on the street

It's the start of a new decade.

What are some of your long-term goals for the next 10 years?

Clive Jones: I just started my retirement due to ill-health. My goal is to get better. I do not have any specific resolutions but I am looking into my interests and hobbies to occupy my time.


Benoni babies born at the start of the new decade


Preolin Naicker: I am a director of a family-owned auto-body repair business so I would like to grow the business significantly. The goal is to open more workshops locally and to achieve this by 2025.


Sihle Mkhwanazi: I plan on studying photography. I also want to work and to get promoted, and one of my priorities is to get a car. For me, the main objection is self-improvement and I will achieve my goals.


Sagren Naidoo: I am looking to be promoted at work in the next 10 years. I would also like to spend more time with my family and I would love to travel locally as well as abroad with them.

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