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Keep women and children safe

The recent Victims of Crime Survey shows that there hasn’t been enough done to protect women and children

Recent stats show that the fight against the abuse of women and children is far from over.

There hasn’t been a significant decrease in sexual assaults, with women-headed urban households the most likely to be attacked, and 43 per cent of women reporting feeling unsafe.

Charnel Hattingh, national marketing and communications manager at Fidelity ADT, said as we prepare for the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign, it is clear that we need to redouble our efforts to keep women and children safe.

“The recent Victims of Crime Survey shows that there hasn’t been enough done to protect women and children.”

Hattingh said the crimes against women and children should be rooted out, and this 16 days campaign certainly has value in again focusing our attention on the issue.

“However, our focus should be extended to cover all 12 months of the year. This can be done by following basic safety tips and making sure that we share these tips with our loved ones,” she said.

“Opportunistic criminals will be on the lookout for what they perceive to be soft targets.

“This means that being aware of your surroundings and potential threats is perhaps one of the most valuable lines of defence.”

Hattingh shared the following tips for women:

• Trust your instincts. Women have great intuition and should listen to their instincts. If someone or something makes you feel uneasy, avoid the individual and leave the area.

• Ask security service providers if they offer a mobile panic alarm service that can be downloaded to your mobile phone.

• Tell someone where you are going and the time you expect to return. Memorise contact details of the person you can contact in an emergency.

• Be aware of your surroundings, especially at shopping centres, petrol stations, etc. Take a moment to check the street before pulling into a driveway.

• If you are driving, ensure that all the doors are locked. Never drive with a handbag or any other valuable items on a seat or in view.

Safety tips for children:

• Always walk to or from school with a friend or friends. Stick to streets you know, don’t take short cuts and never walk with cellphones and tablets in view.

• When you’re being picked up at school, never leave the premises. Always wait inside the school grounds for your lift to arrive.

• Don’t get into a stranger’s car, even if the stranger claims that they were sent to pick you up.

• Use a password system. If the person that is picking you up from school can’t repeat the password you and your child agreed on, they should not get into the car but immediately ask for help.

• If your child encounters any suspicious activity, teach them to memorise the physical details or clothing, or vehicle they are in. Listen for any names or other details that might help identify them later.

• Make sure your children memorise their full names, address and phone number. Using a play phone, teach them when and how to dial 10111.

Both educators have advanced to the national level of the NTA.

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