
New performing and creative arts schools in Daveyton

The distinctiveness of the schools is in their combination of arts and business.

Gauteng MEC for Education and Youth Development Panyaza Lesufi launched the East Rand School of the Arts (ERSA), National School of the Arts (NSA) and Pro-Arte Alphen Park as Performing and Creative Arts Schools of Specialisation in a joint function, hosted at ERSA on August 27.

The school’s facilities have been built to accommodate each of the different focus areas, ensuring that each part is attended to in great detail with a unique learning experience.


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ERSA offers six specialised focus areas, namely dance, art and design, music, drama, hospitality and enterprise management.

After school hours tuition in dance, art, music and drama is also offered to learners.

NSA attracts learners from across the country and some neighbouring countries.

It offers the following arts subjects alongside the full academic curriculum:

• Art (visual art and graphic design),

• Dance (ballet, Spanish, contemporary and African contemporary),

• Drama and music (classical and contemporary).

Pro-Arte Alphen Park offers the following array of subjects, other than the languages, life orientation and maths:

French second additional language, dance, design, visual art, music, dramatic arts, hospitality, tourism, business studies, economics, accounting, physical science, life science, history, geography, information technology and computer applications technology.

Admission to the three schools is secured through an audition process, in the learner’s chosen art discipline.

“We are excited about launching these performance and creative arts schools of specialisation,” said Lesufi.

“Our learners must be empowered and be prepared to be ready for the corporate world.”


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