
What you need to know to avoid an accident

Accidents can happen to anyone and at anytime.The good news is, there are ways in which you can try and avoid an accident.

The number of accidents on the road always seems to snowball each year.

A report released by the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) in 2016 states that 14 071 people died as a result of road accidents. This was a 9 percent increase from 2015 where 12 944 road deaths were reported.

With the increasing number of drivers and vehicles on the roads, it is inevitable that the number of risks on the road will increase too. Road users are constantly exposed to the possibility of being involved in an accident and although it can happen to anyone and at anytime, there are ways in which you can try and avoid it.

As the saying goes, “it’s better to be safe than sorry,” and with that in mind, here are 6 tips to help you avoid an accident:

  • Don’t use any mobile devices.
    As handy and convenient as these devices can be, using them while driving should be avoided at all times as they are a dangerous distraction. In fact, a motor vehicle accident is 23 times more likely to happen if the driver is using a mobile device while driving. The distraction will prevent you from identifying dangerous situations and won’t allow you to react appropriately or in time to avoid a collision. Switch off your mobile data or use a hands-free device if you must.
  • Stick to the speed limit.
    Speed limits have purpose; they are tried and tested and put in place to protect all road users. Sticking to the speed limit will ensure that you have ample time to react to potential hazards and thus increasing your chances to avoid a collision.
  • Maintain a safe following distance.
    Tailgating is extremely dangerous as your chances of stopping in time to avoid a collision diminish, especially at high speed. Even when in a hurry, don’t rush – consider the safety of other road users and rather arrive alive.
  • Keep calm!
    Road rage is a real threat. Stay calm and avoid reacting to raging drivers to not further aggravate the situation.
  • Take the scenic route.
    Alternatively, find a route in areas where there is no construction taking place. This will help you avoid traffic and keep you safe from any construction debris that could double-up as road hazards that may harm you or your vehicle.
  • Don’t drink and drive! Driving under the influence of alcohol not only poses a risk to you, but to other road users as well. It is thus important that you remain sober and focused when behind the wheel – simply, don’t drink and drive! If you’ve had one too many drinks at a special occasion, book a WeDrive trip and let our driver take you home safely in the comfort of your car.

It goes without saying that staying alert while driving can save you from a lot of frustrations, both physically and financially – it could even save your life.

Make the right choice.

Should you, however, not be able to avoid a collision, be sure to use the MiWay App to help guide you step-by-step on what to do at the scene of the accident and after, to aid your insurance claim . You don’t even need to be a MiWay client to benefit from this feature, simply download the app and enjoy #insurancefreedom.


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