
Benoni Northerns thanks broader community for support

Benoni Northerns Executive Committee writes:

The executive and members of Benoni Northerns Sports Club would like to extend their thanks to residents and members of the community for their ongoing support in recent times.

Send your letters to bctletters@caxton.co.za 

Benoni Northerns has seen encouraging growth and development over the last few years and continues to support the local community as a club that provides a healthy sporting and social environment.

Part of this development has involved hosting large events including various sporting tournaments, athletics races, charity events (such as the Toy Run) and festivals.

The overwhelming feedback from these events is extremely positive from sportspeople, organisers and the community alike.

We realise, however, that we do occasionally, and unavoidably, place demands on local residents such as traffic problems and noisy events.

We would like, once again, to thank local residents for their understanding and support.

If there are any constructive suggestions from residents we would be happy to hear them and would invite comment at our office 011 849 3410 or via email at benonin@mweb.co.za

Benoni Northerns continues to strive to be a club that serves the community and showcases our people and our area.

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