
Motorist arrested at petrol station

A man was arrested for fraud after he paid a petrol attendant with fake money, on April 21.

Crystal Park SAPS acting communications officer Tryna Maritz said the 25-year-old asked for R420 to be poured into an Atos at the Sasol filling station on Putfontein Road, just after 3pm.

Maritz said he paid with two fake R200 notes and placed a legitimate R20 note on top of them.

“As soon as the suspect handed the money to the petrol attendant, he sped off,” said Maritz.

Another motorist, who was at the filling station, then offered to chase after the suspect with the help of the attendant.

The suspect, who had a female passenger with him, was found on the corner of Vlei and Pretoria roads.

He was told to return to the filling station, where he was arrested and charged with fraud.

He was expected to appear in the Benoni Magistrates Court.

The female passenger was not arrested.

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