
Samaritans arrive in full force

Marcelle Stevenson writes:

I recently returned to Benoni from Pretoria, when we suddenly heard a strange sound coupled with that slight shuddering motion which can only be a flat tyre.

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Indeed it was!

We pulled over, only to find a smoking hot tyre which had to be changed.

We were on the grass verge next to the road and started to change the tyre as normal.

This was just after 5pm and we did not expect to be there for long.

However, as it turned out, our expectations were slightly optimistic.

We could not lever up the car to the required height to fit the spare wheel, as each time the jack would slip when it reached a certain height.

We were well and truly stuck and by now it was getting dark as well, and we were on the outskirts of Benoni.

The first good Samaritan appeared at this point – Dirk – who had seen us on the way to a nearby Spar and upon returning later, found us still there.

He stopped to lend a hand.

He took one look at the situation and called his friends to bring sturdier equipment.

Without hesitation, the next two Samaritans arrived – Cameron and Quinton.

Just to make things more interesting, it had started to rain and it was pouring down.

As a result, even the extra equipment could not get the job done.

No matter, because the fourth Samaritan – Tiemie – was called and arrived with some serious lifting options.

They managed to lift the car, and the wheel was duly fitted.

By now it was 7pm.

The first three Samaritans (Dirk, Quinton and Cameron) stood in the rain, getting soaked to the skin with us while we were waiting for their friend.

When I asked for their contact details in order to give them a token of our thanks, they declined, saying that they had helped us out of the goodness of their heart and because that is what one does.

I would therefore like to express our overwhelming gratitude and admiration for these four members of the CPF, without whom we would have been in dire straits.

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