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‘By God’s grace, she is recovering’

Nerissa Reddy (31), who was shot in the head at the Benoni Butcher Co. shooting in March, was, on Monday (April 4), recovering and in a stable condition.

“She is our fighter and miracle,” said her husband, Brendon Reddy.

On March 17, Nerissa was a victim, along with butchery owner, the late Fakrudeen Muthalib, of the shooting which took place at around 5.15pm, on Russel Street, Western Extension.

Three armed thugs entered the butchery and shot and killed Muthalib, leaving Nerissa in a critical condition, with a bullet wound to her head.

The Actonville resident was rushed to the Life the Glynnwood Hospital.

“By the grace of God, she is recovering,” said her husband.

“Two successful operations were performed by neuro-surgeon Dr Anjum Shahzad.”

Reddy and his two children – along with the entire Reddy and Moonsamy family – extended their thanks to everyone who gave them support, love and prayers during this difficult time.

“Neri’s progress has astounded both the doctors and her family alike, and is regarded as a true miracle,” he said.

“Neri is a fighter and is determined to overcome the tragic circumstances of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

He asked for a continuity of prayers, as his wife embarks on the road to complete recovery.

“A special thank you to Dr Anjum Shahzad who is miracle worker indeed, and the staff at the Life the Glynnwood Hospital,” Reddy said.

Benoni SAPS spokesperson Const Zunickha Essakjee said, on Monday, that no arrests have been made as yet.

Also read: Benoni Butchery closes down

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