Local sportSport

Big sigh of relief for Benoni Country Club

The Ekurhuleni metro has withdrawn the notice of termination of lease agreement in respect of the Benoni Country Club (BCC) – for now at least.

The executive committee, general members and staff of the BCC can breathe a collective sigh of relief for the time being.

CLICK HERE for the original story (Development threatens Benoni Country Club’s existence)

In official comment to the City Times Themba Gadebe, metro spokesman, said: “The notice of termination of the lease agreement in respect of the Benoni Country Club was officially withdrawn on Friday, March 4 by means of a letter which was transmitted to the chief executive officer of the club, Darren Millington.”

Asked for the reasoning behind the about-turn Gadebe replied: “The BCC made representations to the EMM that they will face challenges to vacate the remainder of Portion 27 of the Farm Vlakfontein 69 IR by December 31 due to logistical difficulties and matters pertaining to membership renewals and staff matters.

“EMM was requested by the BCC for the withdrawal of the notice of termination of the lease agreement, so that they can attend to the above-mentioned challenges and matters.”

He added that the existing agreement of lease is still in force with exactly the same terms and conditions as before.

CLICK HERE for a brief history of the Benoni Country Club.

Questioned whether the issue will raise its head again in future or if it the termination of the notice is officially a done deal the spokesman said: “As you are aware EMM identified the land on which the BCC is situated as one of the Strategic Land Parcels which could possibly be developed to achieve the strategic objectives of the municipality, which is to increase the economic, environmental and social benefits of the residents of Benoni and its surrounds.

“Current legislation, however, requires the municipality to first initiate a public participation process to determine the opinion of the community towards the possible development of the subject property.

“The EMM council will soon consider a report regarding the envisaged public participation process and the outcome of which cannot be predicted at this stage.

“However, it is worth considering that the cancellation of the lease has nothing to do with the outcome of the public participation process.”

The BCC committee confirmed that the club has received the letter.

“The Benoni Country Club continues to engage with council and at this stage there is no further comment,” the committee stated.

Other previous articles:

Metro responds to Country Club lease issue

Hands off the Benoni Country Club

Don’t take our country club

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