
Contention around true nature of Bunny Park’s red ponds

Red algae, not paint or rust, has covered much of the surface area of two ponds in the Bunny Park.

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) spokesperson, Themba Gadebe said the red substance in the water is Euglena sanguinea algae.

“If there are millions of euglena together, they form a mat on the surface of a pond, which is the red substance seen at the Bunny Park,” Gadebe said.

The red water was first seen in late January and was still at the park on March 16.

Jade Coetzee said, in January, that the facility’s caretaker told her it was rust in the water, although she was convinced it was red paint.

Tania Forrest-Smith, founder of the Bunny Park Animals 911 Group, questioned the metro’s claim about algae.

“We (911 Group) took a sample on Sunday (March 13) and will have it independently tested at a Benoni laboratory,” she said.

“If it is algae and releases toxins, what happens when the ducks or bunnies drink the water?”

Gadebe said the abundance of fertiliser used on suburban lawns leads to the growth of the algae in local ponds, where water collects from surrounding areas.

“Their growth and reproduction are dependent on the amount of nutrients (fertiliser) in the water,” he explained.

“Excessive algae growth can lead to a lack of dissolved oxygen in the water.

“Licensed applicators can treat algae blooms using properly labelled herbicides, but unless the nutrients are reduced, herbicides will provide temporary control.”

Gadebe said residents can help to curb the spread of Euglena by reducing use of fertilisers, disposing of yard waste in refuse bags, picking up pet waste and using phosphorus-free soaps when washing cars.

“Presently, algal toxins are considered to only rarely pose a human health hazard,” he added.

At the time of publication, Gadebe had not commented on the effect of the algae on the Bunny Park animals.

Forrest-Smith said the results of the chemical tests were expected at the end of the month.

Also read: Tainted water for bunnies

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The red substance on the ponds in the Bunny Park, was classified by the metro as Euglena sanguinea algae.
The red substance on the ponds in the Bunny Park, was classified by the metro as Euglena sanguinea algae.

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